One of the yummiest - and simplest - breakfasts I enjoy while I am in Vietnam is the humble Banh Mi Op La. This is a simple fried egg served with a baguette (I always ask for an extra straight up). You then make it your own with the judicious addition of soy-sauce (or, more properly, the enhanced soy-sauce which is normally served in Vietnam callen nuoc tuong), chilli sauce and salt & pepper. Using the bread as an eating implement, you eat your fried egg (necessarily with a runny yolk) and you are all ready for the day. It's perfect if you've grown a little tired of the more exotic options and want something that is closer to a western breakfast.
Banh mi op la is readily available on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, though I'm not so sure about other cities.
definitely one of the best ways to eat breakfast in VN!